Need a little techno-boost? We've got you covered!

Graphic of a computer screen and photo of  people working on laptops


tablet, phone, and paper graphics


Click HERE to register for any of these instructional programs!

Click HERE for an instructional link for downloading LIBBY.

Click HERE for an instructional link for downloading HOOPLA.

Computer/ Technology Assistance

The Reference Librarian periodically offers technology classes on a wide range of topics.  Check our Calendar of Events or this page for details on our next classes.

Do you need help with:

  • Creating or navigating an e-mail account?
  • Browsing the internet?
  • Understanding how to use your mobile phone, eReader, Kindle, or tablet?
  • Borrowing e-books using Overdrive's Libby?

To get answers to these questions or other technology issues, please drop in, call, or email us. 

The Reference Librarian is typically available: 

  • Mondays/Wednesdays/Thursdays 9:30am-4:30pm
  • Tuesdays 12:30-7:30pm
  • Alternating Fridays/Saturdays  9:30am-2:30pm (September - June)
  • Fridays 9:30am-2:30pm (July & August)

Drop-in assistance availability is subject to "floor" technology needs and scheduled classes/programs; we cannot guarantee immediate assistance.

If you expect your query to take an extended amount of time (more than 15 minutes), please make an appointment with the Reference Librarian to ensure that we are able to meet your needs in a timely manner and give you undivided attention.

You may contact the Reference Librarian at:

Thank you for allowing us to connect you to the resources you need!


Mouse with key to locked computerMouse trying to remember his password